These Women of Water Are Leading the Charge for Clean Water in America

Posted by: On December 28, 2018 11:12 am

Did you read the recent Google Story about the six awesome girls (Women of Water) who are using their ingenuity, skills, and initiative to make sure more Americans drink clean, safe water?

women of water
Women of Water – their incredible achievements! Credit: Google Stories

Familiar Faces!

We were especially thrilled to see that several of the women featured already had their achievements highlighted in this blog!

Almost exactly one year ago, we wrote about how Gitanjali Rao had won a major 2017 Young Scientist Award for her invention: a tool that works with Android technology to detect lead in water samples.

News From NASA

We were also thrilled to learn that the trio of youngsters whose incredible feat of using NASA-inspired technology …

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Look Five Years Younger in 2019! How a Water Ionizer Can Help You Glow!

Posted by: On December 27, 2018 9:05 am

We drink water to stay hydrated and keep our bodies functioning at healthy levels. But drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water from a water ionizer can have an incredible effect on the way you look too!

water ionizer
Can a water ionizer help YOU look five years younger?

New Year, New You?

Every New Year – we tend to focus our minds on self-improvement and what it will take to look and feel our best.

It’s the perfect time to sit back and think about how drinking alkaline hydrogen water from a water ionizer machine can keep you looking radiant and more youthful.

Wait…seriously? Water can make you look younger?

Not all water can, but ionized alkaline water is different!

One of the main …

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Goodbye to UTIs? How a Water Ionizer Can Help

Posted by: On October 20, 2018 1:14 pm

Millions of people suffer from Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) every year – with women being more susceptible than men to get this common bacterial infection.  Studies indicate that up to one-third of women will suffer from a UTI before the age of 24.

UTIs affect millions of people every year.

UTI Symptom Checker

Infection occurs when bacteria travels up the urethra and enters the bladder. Although most cases in adults can be quickly treated with the right medication – if left unchecked, the infection can spread to the kidneys and potentially affect kidney function.

Symptoms of UTIs vary from person to person, but will commonly include some or all of the following:

  • Unusual tiredness
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Low
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Turbo-Charge Your Vegetables with Turbo Water Ionizers!

Posted by: On October 14, 2018 5:10 pm

As many people start to pickle, preserve and can their harvest for another year, have you ever wondered how the fields of vegetable crops that supply our stores and markets are grown?

Far from images of lush, rural pastures – modern farming methods often lean heavily on pesticides, herbicides, and complex irrigation methods.

Fresh vegetables need water to grow, but what exactly is in the water?

What’s in the Water?

The presence of chemical growing agents is well known, but what about the municipal water systems that nourish the crops?

After a tragic outbreak of E-coli erupted earlier this year that left five people dead and 197 sick from around three dozen states, a spotlight started to shine on the …

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Hands Up if You Love Free Stuff!

Posted by: On October 4, 2018 3:54 pm

Are you familiar with the saying, “the best things in life are free?”

Who doesn’t love to be given free stuff?

Think back to that time you looked at the cost of your favorite lobster dish at a fancy restaurant or the hair-raising label on that perfect dress you just spotted in the boutique.

It’s hard to refute this well-meant saying. But occasionally, it’s true.

Along with the meaningful things in life (such as love, kindness, and happiness), sometimes…good things do come along for free!

Here at Tyent, you might be surprised by how many FREE things we have to offer! So – put your wallet away and enjoy all this below, free of charge!

FREE Water Report!

What’s really …

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The One, Two, Three of Water Ionizers!

Posted by: On September 30, 2018 10:10 am

There’s something neat about things coming in threes, right? We know that there are plenty of excellent reasons for buying a Tyent Water Ionizer – but we thought we’d give ourselves the challenge of highlighting three pretty awesome reasons below!

water ionizers
There are so many reasons to love our water ionizers, it’s pretty hard to pick just three!

One Winner of The Best Water Ionizer in the World Award

In any industry, there are many “pretenders” to the crown – but only one can be crowned the “best of the best.”

When it comes to water ionizers – the holder of the title of The Best in the World goes to Tyent.

In fact – we’ve won this title eight times …

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Fall “Spring Cleaning” Using a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On September 27, 2018 5:24 pm

Fall is a great time of year for a “spring cleaning!”

water ionizer
A spring cleaning in the fall? Why not? Just bring your Tyent water ionizer along!

When we start to close our windows and doors and reach for a sweater instead of sunscreen when leaving the house…you know that a seasonal shift is well underway.

So, make sure you keep your home as clean as it can be this Fall with the ultimate household cleaner!

Water Ionizer Cleaning Power!

A Tyent water ionizer doesn’t just make alkaline water that is great for you to drink. Our award-winning machines can also make acidic turbo water that is pretty good for using around your house as well!

Eager to ditch the harmful …

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Water Ionizer Power! How Water Reaches Every Part of You!

Posted by: On September 21, 2018 11:09 am

So we know that water makes us feel good inside and that our brains are largely composed of water – which really makes you think (no pun intended!) about the quality of water that we drink.

alkaline water
Every bit of your body needs water!

But how about the rest of our bodies?

When you realize how much of our overall physiology depends on water, it’s no surprise that health professionals continue to remind us how important it is to stay hydrated.

Wow! Water Does All THIS?

Water doesn’t just quench our thirst – it can do all of this too:

  • Water is crucial to the structure and life of every cell in our bodies.
  • Water enables waste to be flushed from
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Get That “Back to School” Focus with Alkaline Water!

Posted by: On September 11, 2018 2:33 pm

In what seems like a flash – summer vacation is over and Labor Day has passed us by. It must be time to go “back to school”!

alkaline water
Can Tyent alkaline water help at homework time?

Even if your grade school and college days are long behind you, September always finds a way to bring that “new-pencil case-brand-new-shoes” feeling back that we miss from our childhood days.

The smell of newly sharpened pencils, a box of 64 crayons, bubble gum erasers, and even that old, reliable backpack fills the school halls – meaning only one thing: the return of homework!

Before your children sit down with their favorite sugar-filled juice box and start their homework this fall – ask yourself: “Is

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Water Ionizers Will Keep You Cool – So Don’t Sweat It!

Posted by: On September 4, 2018 6:44 pm

Who remembers that iconic line from the opening sequence of the popular ‘80s show “Fame”?

Every week, tough-but-big-hearted dance teacher Miss Grant yelled at her students that “fame costs…and right here is where you start paying. In sweat.”

alkaline water
Tyent alkaline water is always on point!

Sweating is Cool Because Science Says So!

When we exercise or do anything on a hot day, we sweat. We need to sweat because it’s good for us.

Here’s how the science of sweating works:

  • Between 2-4 million eccrine sweat glands cover our bodies, through which moisture is secreted to help cool us down and regulate our core body temperature.
  • When sweat glands leave your body, they evaporate from your skin and cool you
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