PFAS Water Contamination and What You Can Do

Posted by: On March 6, 2019 8:41 pm

PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) is a group of man-made, carcinogenic chemicals that have been all over modern life for years; from non-stick pans and stain-resistant carpets to packaging and waterproof clothing.

This highly toxic substance is no longer discharged in industrial water drainage – but it’s not consigned to history either.

The truth is that PFAS might be in your drinking water…so keep reading to learn more about:

  1. EPA’s PFAS Action Plan
  2. Is the EPA Doing Enough?
  3. Is My Water Safe to Drink?
  4. How to Make Water Safe to Drink
  5. Water Ionizers for Home Use
  6. What is a Tyent Water Ionizer Filter Capable Of?
  7. Where Can I Get My Water Tested for Free?
Are industrial toxins, such as PFAS,
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Five Ways Your Body is Telling You To Buy a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On February 15, 2019 4:55 pm

Listening to your body is something you do every day, especially when messages like “I’m hungry” or “I need to use the bathroom!”  are loud and clear.

Is your body trying to tell you something?

If you have a two or three-year-old toddling around, they’ll happily notify you that it’s both at the same time.

But sometimes, as we grow older, we’re not quite alert as to what our bodies really need.

Check out our list of the Five Ways Your Body Is Telling You to Buy a Water Ionizer and be amazed at just how many of these ways strike a chord with you!

When to Buy a Water Ionizer

1) “I Need a Drink!”

Here’s the main thing …

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Is That Post-Workout Soda Damaging Your Kidneys?

Posted by: On February 14, 2019 11:20 am

It’s no secret that sugar and chemical-laced soda isn’t exactly good for us, but a new report published this year has reignited concerns that drinking soda after exercise can actually damage your kidneys.

Damaged kidneys? Another reason to ditch the soda for good!

In this article – here’s what you can expect to learn about soda:

  1. Soda: It Doesn’t Even Hydrate You?
  2. How Soda Might Be Damaging Your Kidneys
  3. Soda vs Water? Why Water Wins…
  4. Why a Water Ionizer Hydrates Better Than Regular Water
  5. The Incredible Health Benefits of Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer

The Truth About Soda

Soda is already linked to a whole raft of health problems…from obesity to diabetes – and those so-called “energy drinks” don’t …

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Say “I Love You” On Valentine’s Day with a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On February 12, 2019 2:17 pm

Keen to wow someone this Valentine’s Day…but feeling a little uninspired by the usual offerings of candy, flowers, and perfume?

water ionizer
Maddie was thrilled with the ring, but she had secretly been hoping for a water ionizer…

Want to give your Valentine something that they can love forever?

Then step away from the search engines…we have the perfect gift…a water ionizer!

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

True Water Ionizer Love Forever

Buying someone a water ionizer might not be the obvious choice for Valentine’s Day, but we GUARANTEE that your loved one will be well and truly wowed.

After all, once they start drinking Tyent alkaline water, look at what you’re REALLY giving them:

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The Tap Water Database: Are You Ready For This?

Posted by: On February 9, 2019 1:18 pm

Just how bad is America’s tap water right now?

Have things improved since the Flint water scandal and the ensuing country-wide outcry?

Is it safe to turn on your tap and drink the water yet?

tap water
How much do you trust YOUR tap water?

To learn more about the dangers of tap water…we’ll cover the following:

  1. Stringent Testing, Shocking Results
  2. What’s in the Water?
  3. FREE Water Report and Analysis
  4. A Water Ionizer Can Clean Up Your Water
  5. Learn More About Tyent Water Ionizers

The Dangers of Tap Water in America

Stringent Testing, Shocking Results

The EWG (Environmental Working Group) has been assiduously studying data from water samples collected across 50 states, between 2010 and 2015.

“When most Americans drink a glass

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Five Resolution Solutions: How a Water Ionizer Can Energize Your New Year!

Posted by: On January 30, 2019 4:17 pm

If you’re still tackling those new year resolutions you made at the beginning of the month, then congratulations!

This is impressive since January is often the darkest, coldest month for many of us, making it especially easy to lose motivation and sink back into our indulgent ways.

water ionizer
Do you keep making new year resolutions that are hard to stick with? A water ionizer can help you stick with them!

Happily, whenever you feel your resolve wavering, we have a few tips to help. Check out our Five Resolution Solutions below to get back on track and stay motivated throughout the year!

New Year Resolution Solutions That Work

1) Perfect Timing

Struggling to find the energy for a run after a …

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Can a Water Ionizer Help Improve Bone Health?

Posted by: On January 28, 2019 5:04 pm

Having strong bones is something we should all be aiming for. Maintaining good bone health is a vital area of wellness that often gets less attention than pursuits such as building muscle, weight control, and cardiovascular health.

bone health
We all need strong and healthy bones and a water ionizer can help!

In fact, many of us don’t pay too much attention to the state of our bones until we have a reason to…such as getting osteoporosis or bone fractures.

But like how so many other things in life work – prevention is much better than cure.

How to Improve Your Bone Health

Steps to Take For Healthy, Happy Bones!

Taking the proper steps to ensure good bone health now is a …

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Top Five Things to Look for in a Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On January 24, 2019 3:53 pm

There’s never been a better time in life to buy a water ionizer than right now, so what are the five main practical things to look for when it comes to purchasing one of these fascinating machines?

water ionizer
What should you look for in a water ionizer?

A water ionizer is a complex piece of technology: every Tyent water ionizer is the result of pioneering design and elite engineering.

But a water ionizer also has to be easy to use and fit seamlessly into family life – and your kitchen!

What to Look For In A Water Ionizer

1) Location, Location, Location

Where is your water ionizer going to go?

Are you looking for a sleek and stylish machine that will …

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Don’t Make Any New Year Resolutions Until You Read This!

Posted by: On December 30, 2018 10:35 am

Many people are prompted into making New Year resolutions by one of the time-honored methods: a sense of failure about some aspect of their life, standing on the weighing scales, or while having a hard time trying to fasten a favorite pair of jeans (terrible for shrinking in the wash. Ahem.)

new year resolutions
One of your new year resolutions should include drinking alkaline water from a Tyent water ionizer.

Can New Year Resolutions Forged in Negativity Ever Be Positive?

It’s all a bit negative, isn’t it?

Maybe that’s why so many resolutions are doomed to die a quiet death – any resolutions that are forged in negativity are harder to keep alive.

So how about getting into a more holistic, …

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