Five Reasons to Never Drink Unfiltered Water

Posted by: On March 25, 2016 9:00 am

Plumbing is one of the great innovations of modern society and a sufficient public water supply should not be taken for granted. However, most water that flows from the tap in the USA is not safe for long-term consumption because of the chemicals and hard metals it contains.

Think about where your tap water comes from...
Think about where your tap water comes from…

As such, tap water should always be filtered through a water ionizer before it is consumed and Tyent alkaline water ionizers are the perfect appliance to filter and alkalize your tap water.

Five Reasons to NEVER Drink Unfiltered Water

  1. Water Treatment Is Not Sufficient

The same practices that were used to treat public water decades ago are still in use today. Basically, water …

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What is a Water Ionizer? (New + Improved)

Posted by: On November 13, 2014 7:17 pm

It is somewhat amazing the number of people from all over the world who are contacting Tyent each day wanting to learn more about alkaline ionized water, water ionizers, and how Tyent’s machines work.  Many people had essentially the same question but some first wanted to know what exactly a water ionizer is.

Tyent water ionizers are in a class by themselves.

First question up.

What is a Water Ionizer?

At its core, a water ionizer is a machine.  Only this machine is specially designed to filter, ionize and alkalize ordinary tap water.  A transubstantiation of sorts: changing one thing into something entirely different.  It’s important to note that the water created by Tyent water ionizers is  filled with …

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Why You Should Drink Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water & Eat High Alkaline Foods (Version 2)

Posted by: On October 27, 2014 5:46 pm

Breathing not withstanding, food and water are the two basic necessities of life.  Go without eating food and you can live around 21 days or so, but stop drinking water and you won’t live long enough to die from starvation.

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

Food and water not only sustain us, but the quality of that food and water has a direct impact on our health.  Millions of people around the world die each year from the lack of a proper diet and clean water.

What Should Know About Water Ionizers and pH Levels

A pH level above 7 is alkaline, while a pH below 7 is acidic.  …

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