Five Tips to Become Employee of the Month With Help From Your Water Ionizer!

Posted by: On April 12, 2018 12:00 pm

Make your water ionizer work for you and become the new star of the office.

tyentTip #1: Look Like a Boss!
Whatever your usual work attire, the way you look can influence how people view you.  Drinking Tyent Water helps to improve the appearance of your skin, and using Turbo Water to rinse in the shower and after cleaning your teeth gives you ultra-shiny hair and a brilliant go-getting smile!

Tip #2: Intellectual Ability and Mental Agility!
Impress the boss with your quick fire ideas and mental prowess!  Tyent Water is jam-packed with amazing hydrogen that can actually help improve cognitive ability and brain function so you can wow your co-workers with your brilliant memory and sharp smarts!

Tip #3:

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Antioxidants and Free Radicals: What You Need to Know

Posted by: On March 29, 2018 12:00 pm

Free Radicals might sound like the kind of band name you and your buddy, that guy with the keyboard and the bad perm, might have chosen back in the 80’s.  

Wanted: Easy-going electron with calming influence to tame unstable Free Radical.

It’s true to say that free radicals sound a lot cooler than they really are. Existing virtually everywhere in the modern world, free radicals are impossible to avoid.  To labor the 80’s band theme again, like an aging rock star who has lived a wild and toxic life on the road: free radicals are unstable, slightly unhinged molecules trying to hook up with a nice, calming electron to stabilize them and settle down with.

Oxidative Damage

But it doesn’t

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Resolution?  What Resolution?

Posted by: On January 25, 2018 12:00 pm

If you’re among the just-over-half of the population who didn’t make a New Year resolution, then by now you might fall into one of two camps.  The first is being oblivious to the whole thing and simply getting on with life without the pressure/pleasure of a self-imposed goal to work towards.

Does your Near Year resolution look something like this?

The second camp includes those who look on with a touch of envy at the bright-eyed fervor of those winning at their resolutions.  They have a goal.  A “thing.” Something to help pass the long, decidedly un-festive January days.  Dry January?  Veganuary?   At this stage of the month, if you haven’t given something up, then you might be feeling a

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Twelve Days of a Tyent Christmas – Part Two!

Posted by: On December 19, 2017 12:45 pm


We hope that you’ve been diligently practicing the first part of our very own Christmas Carol, The Twelve Days of a Tyent Christmas, just in time to impress friends and neighbors with your festive musical talents.

Without further ado, let’s enjoy the final part of our carol!

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me… a Useful Household Cleaner

Turbo water from your ionizer makes a fantastic, natural cleaning spray around the home.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me…an Effective Natural Mouthwash

 Acidic Turbo water makes a brilliant mouthwash that helps to keep bacteria at bay.

 On the Ninth Day of Christmas, My Water Ionizer Gave to Me…a

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Forget Detox. It’s Time to Pretox.

Posted by: On December 13, 2017 3:50 pm

Detox is for January.  We will reach those cold, post-Christmas days soon enough.  Our glittery Christmas dress hung away, its sparkle dimmed at the back of the closet and the freezer filled with little vacuum packs of turkey.

Woman sleeping peacefully...
Get some Zzz’s in while you can!

But for now, the buzzword is Pretox.

Prepare Your Body

From now until the start of the Christmas frenzy is the perfect time to prepare your body for the onslaught of less sleep, more socializing, rich food and higher levels of alcohol than you perhaps usually consume.

In order to feel strong and healthy over the holidays, so that you’re always up for more festive fun, follow our five-point Pretox checklist!

  1. Get some sleep
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Top 5 Tips to Look Younger Than Your Years

Posted by: On August 14, 2017 12:00 pm


Special thanks to guest blogger Lori Shemek, Ph.D. 

When we think of anti-aging, most people conjure up a plethora of creams, potions or outright notions. However, aging more youthfully or what I refer to as “Youthing” begins not merely on the outside of the body, but the inside of the body.

When you think about how the body responds to healthy, nutrient-dense foods, water and other healthful choices, you can’t deny the obvious fact, that keeping our cellular machinery intact is key not just to health…but to ultimately aging younger.

Increasing one’s health span and longevity that leads to a more youthful looking you, begins with your diet – what you feed your cells along with implementing other lifestyle …

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Best Energy Drink Ever!

Posted by: On June 27, 2017 7:00 am

The dangers of so-called ‘energy drinks’ are becoming well known.   But what’s the alternative for anyone who needs an extra shot of energy now and then?

Feel like this, naturally.
Shocking New Evidence

Experts have been warning the public about commercially available sugar and caffeine cocktails for years.  Recently, a study by Dr. Emily Fletcher, deputy pharmacy flight commander at Travis Air Force Base in California, hit the headlines.

Health Warning

The research, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, warns that consuming just one serving of commercial energy soda can be enough to harm your body.   Using electrocardiogram, researchers found that a single 32 oz can of energy soda was capable of causing profound changes in …

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Water Ionizers and Healthy Weight!

Posted by: On May 9, 2017 7:00 am

Summer is so close now you can almost touch it.  The promise of long, warm evenings.  Days at the beach.  Oh, hang on.  Days at the beach?  Are we all, um…ready for that then?

Water ionizers can help you to lose weight and feel great.
Healthy Weight, Healthy You

Weight management isn’t just about how you look.  When your weight is at a healthy level for your height and build, your body is able to function better.  You have more energy and sleep better as well.

Food is key, obviously.  Eating healthily and including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in your regular diet is important.  But did you know that your water ionizer can help you lose weight …

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Water Ionizers and the Magic of Hydrogen

Posted by: On May 2, 2017 7:00 am

Remember your basic elemental tables from school?  Sure you do!  With only a tiny prompt, we know that hydrogen + oxygen = water.  We know how much we need oxygen but how much do you know about the effect of hydrogen on our health? 

There really is something in the water. 
Does “Magic Water” Really Exist?

You may well have heard about the “fountains of youth” and the “healing waters” that people have sought out for generations.

Well, it seems that they were really onto something.  The healing springs in Lourdes are possibly the most celebrated, but other sources of “miracle” water are scattered across the globe, from Nordenau in Germany to Tlacote in Mexico, with many others between.…

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The Tyent Rettin Water Ionizer

Posted by: On April 6, 2017 12:00 pm

We talk a lot about water generally: the state of America’s municipal supply, the impact of bottled water on the environment and how much of the wet stuff we all need to stay fit and healthy!

Tyent Rettin Ionizers outperform anything else on the market.

Why Tyent Water Ionizers are Best

Naturally, we also talk about how amazing Tyent ionized water really is.  Thousands of people, from the medical establishment, to our valued customers and world famous sports stars give it the seal of approval.

But what makes Tyent Rettin Water Ionizers so exceptional?

The Hydrogen Factor

Well, first of all, not all ionizers give you hydrogen water and frankly, it’s the hydrogen that really matters.  Without it, you’ve potentially …

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