Do Men and Women Glow or Sweat? Can a Water Ionizer Hydrate You Faster?

Posted by: On September 9, 2018 1:00 pm

Recently, we looked at what happens when we sweat and why ionized alkaline water from a water ionizer is SO awesome for replenishing our bodies when we do sweat.

But did you know that men and women sweat differently?

Do You Glow or Sweat? 

That post-workout glow, Victorian-style.

There’s an old saying that may or not have emanated from the rather buttoned-up sensibilities of Victorian England: ‘horses sweat, men perspire, but ladies merely glow.’

Over the years, this saying has been interpreted through the widespread perception that women are “delicate flowers” who don’t “sweat” like their male counterparts do.

But here’s the thing. Recent studies reveal that the Victorians might have been on to something.

Men Sweat More Than Women!

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Water Ionizers Will Keep You Cool – So Don’t Sweat It!

Posted by: On September 4, 2018 6:44 pm

Who remembers that iconic line from the opening sequence of the popular ‘80s show “Fame”?

Every week, tough-but-big-hearted dance teacher Miss Grant yelled at her students that “fame costs…and right here is where you start paying. In sweat.”

alkaline water
Tyent alkaline water is always on point!

Sweating is Cool Because Science Says So!

When we exercise or do anything on a hot day, we sweat. We need to sweat because it’s good for us.

Here’s how the science of sweating works:

  • Between 2-4 million eccrine sweat glands cover our bodies, through which moisture is secreted to help cool us down and regulate our core body temperature.
  • When sweat glands leave your body, they evaporate from your skin and cool you
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Water Therapy is Good for You!

Posted by: On August 28, 2018 4:01 pm

Are you long overdue for some much-needed water therapy?

If the world seems to start feeling like a little bit too much to handle or you feel as though you can’t cope with yet another demand on your time or emotions, don’t ignore it! Listening to your inner voice is important – especially when it’s asking for help.

Scientists believe that they have an answer to those moments when you “just want to stay in bed and pull the covers over your head”:

Go and seek out some water for some water therapy!

water therapy
Water Therapy: Do you need more of this in your life?

The Wonder of Water

Studies have revealed that – quite simply – the closer we are …

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Water Ionizers & Our Super Team of Experts Can Help UNLOCK Your Summer Beach Body!

Posted by: On August 23, 2018 8:12 pm

With Labor Day around the corner – are you still struggling to hit your summer beach body goals?

Don’t panic because YOU STILL have some time to UNLOCK your dream summer beach body – so keep reading!

summer beach body
Don’t hit the snooze button on your summer beach body goals just yet…

Meet our Super Team of Experts!

If your budget doesn’t quite stretch to incorporate a personal trainer and/or nutritionist, we’ve got the next best thing!

We’ve assembled a team of the top health and wellness experts to give their BEST tips to help you train, eat and drink your way to a stronger, healthier shape in weeks!

Dr. Lori Shemek – the Nutrition & Weight Loss Expert!

dr lori shemek
Dr. Lori Shemek
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5 Hidden Health Dangers to Avoid

Posted by: On August 16, 2018 10:18 am

We like to take pride in providing our families with a healthy, happy environment to call “home” – but sometimes, the biggest health dangers are the ones that we can’t see.

health dangersHere are 5 hidden health dangers to avoid:

  • Storing food in plastic containers
  • Pesticides in fruits and veggies
  • Conventionally raised meats
  • Farm-raised fish
  • Using electronics before bed

These 5 hidden health dangers can threaten a healthy home – so let me explain below, while also providing you with tips on how to protect your home from these health dangers.

Storing Food in Plastic Containers

plastic containers

Remember when using a plastic container was an organized, economical and wise method to storing your food? Not any longer!

We now know that plastic …

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Meet Joe Boccuti! Tyent Founder & President Talks Water Ionizers!

Posted by: On August 11, 2018 11:02 am

Here at Tyent – we love to talk about water ionizers and why they are so all-around AWESOME to have in your life.

But guess what? There’s no better person to explain why drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water (known as hydrogen water) is such an amazing gift to your health than the Founder and President of Tyent himself – Joe Boccuti!

You won’t believe what happened when Joe spent some time chatting with celebrity host and media personality Eraldo Maglara – so keep reading to find out!

water ionizers
NO ONE knows more about water ionizers than Joe Boccuti!

How Tyent Water Ionizers Began!

What motivated Joe to assemble the most accomplished engineers and water ionizer technology experts to create the best

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Optimize Your Health with Dr. Lori’s 7 Essential Tips!

Posted by: On August 10, 2018 9:37 pm

Dr. Lori is BACK to give you her 7 tips on optimizing your health…

Many people desire a life with optimal health – yet do not know which actions they need to take to create a body that has energy, vibrancy, strength and mental well-being. It really is about creating a healthy body because when someone ignores their health over time, their health will slowly decline.

I have 7 tips that you can implement in your life right now to help you take the correct actions that will put you on the path to optimal health:

  • Drink More Water
  • Eat for Gut Health
  • Increase Muscle Mass
  • Practice Gratitude Daily
  • Reduce Excess Carb Intake
  • Stress Less
  • Sleep More


These 7 tips …

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Alkaline Water & Smart Choices for a Healthy Life!

Posted by: On August 4, 2018 1:00 pm

Many people today are eating processed foods that are chock-full of ingredients that can slow us down and make us feel terrible. These foods are processed in such a way that they lead your health on a downward spiral, if consistently eaten. These processed foods should really come with a warning label!

Foods that you should strive to eat every day are foods that are packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to create optimal health.

healthy choices

The following foods are what I like to call smart choices for a healthy life:

  • Alkaline Water
  • Green Tea
  • Almonds
  • Blueberries
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Avocado
  • Spinach

These types of foods will help you live a vibrant, quality life that’s …

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Yo-Yo Dieting & How to Get Better, Lasting Results!

Posted by: On July 27, 2018 2:28 pm

We’d like to give a warm, hearty welcome to our special guest blogger, Lori Shemek, Ph.D.! Dr. Lori is a nutrition and weight loss expert who specializes in weight loss resistance, and she is the bestselling author of How to Fight FATflammation! and Fire Up Your Fat Burn! To learn more about Dr. Lori – visit her website!

Free weight loss advice from top-selling author Dr. Lori Shemek…

Are you constantly going on and off a diet to try and shed those stubborn pounds – only to leave you frustrated every time? You are not alone!

More than 68% of the American population is overweight or obese – and yo-yo dieting has something to do with it.

yo-yo dieting
Yo-Yo dieting:
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Summer Fitness Goals? Water Ionizers Can Help!

Posted by: On July 23, 2018 6:24 pm

What’s the best way to stay fit in the summertime? To hit your summer fitness goals – some activities are more suitable for hot, sunny days in the summertime than in other activities.

summer fitness
Summer fitness goals? Get into the great outdoors!

5 suitable activities that you can take part in to meet your summer fitness goals are:


Stick to hiking trails that include areas of shade and make sure that you wear a wide-brimmed hat with cool, loose-fitting clothes to keep you cool along the way.

Be sure that you take snacks with you on the trails that will give you sustained energy (such as cashews or trail mix) – and don’t forget the sunscreen and plenty of Tyent …

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