Tyent Wants Consumers to Know About Our Ionized Alkaline Water Machines and the Company Behind Them (Version 2)

Posted by: On March 4, 2015 7:13 pm

Information is a critical component of any decision when it comes to making an investment with your hard-earned money.  There are many companies in the ionized alkaline water business that will be happy to tell you anything you want to hear if they believe a sale is in their immediate future.

Plus, they keep you in the dark on some aspects of the machine and sale. At Tyent, we believe in a different approach.  

What's so good about the Tyent Alkaline Water Company?  We'll tell you!
What’s so good about the Tyent Alkaline Water Company?  We’ll tell you!

We want you to be informed with real information.  We want you to ask questions in order to for us to provide you with honest answers that will allow you to make an

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The Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company Wants You to Drink Clean Water (Version 2.0)

Posted by: On March 2, 2015 5:41 pm

It is well established that water flowing from our faucets at home contain a lot of chemicals that we don’t want to drink and frankly, shouldn’t.  

How safe is your tap water?
How safe is your tap water?

If you drink tap water at home as many people do, you are subjecting your body to literally hundreds of dangerous chemicals that are proven to be poisonous and even deadly in large enough amounts. Fertilizers and insecticides from agricultural run off find their way into our water system as do dangerous drugs from pharmaceutical dumping, medical waste and overall pollution.

That’s the bad news.  The good news is that now, you don’t have to be drinking that poison.  While no water purifying system removes all chemicals …

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Can a Tyent Water Ionizer Improve Your Life? (Updated)

Posted by: On February 26, 2015 7:58 pm

While most of this week’s blogs have been more about the company behind the product (Tyent), with its sterling reputation for providing a high quality product as well as unmatched Customer Service, questions have been coming in and today I’d like to answer some of them.

We have answers.
We have answers.

I would like to state beforehand that Tyent offers a liberal, Lifetime Warranty on their ionized alkaline water machines.  That should afford some peace of mind to any prospective customer considering the purchase of a water ionizer from another company.

Alright then, first question of the day.  I have to admit that I get a kick out of some of these questions. 

When I first read some of them I

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Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company is Devoted to Customer Service (Updated!)

Posted by: On February 25, 2015 6:03 pm

Yesterday we looked at a few factors that should be considered before investing in any water ionizer. 

Do your homework before deciding which water ionizer company to invest in.
Don’t forget to do your water ionizer homework!

There was the product itself, its quality and capability to do the job it was designed to do.  Then there was the company behind the product and their reputation for standing behind what they sell, which leads us directly to the third consideration, customer service  

Customer service is often an overlooked, yet integral part, of a company’s inner workings.  How many times have you experienced the frustration that comes when you contact a customer service representative only to get the run around?  

One of my personal pet peeves is incompetence, which to me

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