Water Ionizers and the Magic of Hydrogen

Posted by: On May 2, 2017 7:00 am

Remember your basic elemental tables from school?  Sure you do!  With only a tiny prompt, we know that hydrogen + oxygen = water.  We know how much we need oxygen but how much do you know about the effect of hydrogen on our health? 

There really is something in the water. 
Does “Magic Water” Really Exist?

You may well have heard about the “fountains of youth” and the “healing waters” that people have sought out for generations.

Well, it seems that they were really onto something.  The healing springs in Lourdes are possibly the most celebrated, but other sources of “miracle” water are scattered across the globe, from Nordenau in Germany to Tlacote in Mexico, with many others between.…

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Water Ionizer Pros and Cons

Posted by: On April 13, 2017 12:00 pm

When you’re on the cusp of making any major purchase, you need to weigh up both the good and the not-so-good.  When it comes to buying a water ionizer, good news!  We’ve done the legwork for you, so all you have to do is read through our list of the pros and cons of owning a water ionizer and make your decision!

water ionizer pros and cons
Take your time weighing the pros and cons.

Pros of Buying a Water Ionizer 

  1. Increased Energy!

If you choose well, and buy an ionizer that produces hydrogen water (not all ionizers do!), then you’ll notice an increase in your energy and well-being right from the first glass!  Quite simply, Tyent water can boost your energy simply …

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The Tyent Rettin Water Ionizer

Posted by: On April 6, 2017 12:00 pm

We talk a lot about water generally: the state of America’s municipal supply, the impact of bottled water on the environment and how much of the wet stuff we all need to stay fit and healthy!

Tyent Rettin Ionizers outperform anything else on the market.

Why Tyent Water Ionizers are Best

Naturally, we also talk about how amazing Tyent ionized water really is.  Thousands of people, from the medical establishment, to our valued customers and world famous sports stars give it the seal of approval.

But what makes Tyent Rettin Water Ionizers so exceptional?

The Hydrogen Factor

Well, first of all, not all ionizers give you hydrogen water and frankly, it’s the hydrogen that really matters.  Without it, you’ve potentially …

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What are the Benefits of Using a Water Ionizer?

Posted by: On April 4, 2017 7:00 am

Wow.  Where to start?   Well, from the very first time you drink Tyent ionized water, you’ll be changing things for the better.  Even that first glass will impact positively on your health.  Take a look at this amazing video to actually watch how quickly ionized water gets to work inside your body.   You’ll be amazed!

water ionizer
Some people literally can’t get enough of Tyent ionized water.

What Can Your Water Ionizer Do for You?

Packed with immunity-boosting properties, mineral-rich ionized water is more hydrating than regular water, which means that you’re more likely to stay properly hydrated, even when you’re on the go.

Recovery time following exercise is cut as well, as ionized water is more readily absorbed into your cells, …

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Top Water Ionizer System for Sports Professionals

Posted by: On March 14, 2017 7:00 am

Pro-sportspeople at the top of their game constantly monitor their nutrition and hydration, as well as their work out schedule.

water ionizer
Get into a winning position with Tyent water.

Eating and drinking right is a key factor in performance and most sports professionals take their diet just as seriously as their physical training.

Which Water Ionizer Beats the Competition?

We’ve talked before about all ionizers not being created equally.  Many don’t produce the essential active element hydrogen; and others are to be avoided at all costs.  So which ionizer is the choice of the sports professional?

When athletes of the caliber of TJ Ward, safety for the Denver BroncosOlympian Clara Hughes; and pitcher for the …

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Top Water Ionizer System for Weight Loss

Posted by: On March 9, 2017 12:00 pm

We all want to be fit and healthy.  However, carrying a few extra pounds can sap our energy and zap our motivation.

Top Water Ionizer
Water ionizers can help you to get fit and drop excess weight!

While curves are definitely cool, being significantly overweight can start to impact negatively on your health and perhaps begin to affect your confidence.  

Water Ionizers and Weight Loss

If you think that you’d be happier and healthier if you were a few pounds lighter, then alongside the tried-and-tested dream team of eating well and getting enough exercise, investing in a water ionizer is one of the best ways of boosting your weight-loss efforts.

We all know that drinking water is essential for our health, but …

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Top Water Ionizer System in the Health Industry

Posted by: On March 7, 2017 7:01 am

When something is embraced by some of the biggest names in the health industry, it’s time to sit up and take notice.

health industry
Guess what the health industry quenches its thirst with?

More health professionals than ever before are endorsing the incredible benefits of ionized hydrogen water; but which machine are they raving about?

You guessed it!  Tyent water ionizers are the choice of so many health professionals and practitioners that we can’t list them all here, but we wanted to give you an insight into what some of the leading lights in the health industry are saying!

Water Ionizer Times Two!

CEO of Willow Bend Fitness, Dave Greene was such a big believer in the benefits of the Tyent water …

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Mindful Resolutions for 2017

Posted by: On January 5, 2017 7:00 am

Do you make New Year resolutions?  If so, you’re in good company.  Around half of us make either regular or infrequent resolutions, with varying degrees of success.

2016.  So last year.
2016.  So last year.

What are the best tried-and-tested methods of making your ambitions and hopes for the year come to fruition?  We sought the wisdom of statisticians, medical professionals and erm…Oprah, to find out!

  1. Forget Less is More; More is More!

Rather than focusing on what you are going to cut out of your diet, focus on what you can add to your diet to make it healthier.”

Neva Cochran, MS, RDN

This is such simple and terrific advice for the 38% of us who make resolutions around …

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How to Prep Your Body for the New Year!  Three Tips to Stay on Top!

Posted by: On January 2, 2017 6:55 pm

Whether you paint the town red, or slip into your PJ’s and share a bottle of something nice with your nearest and dearest, many of us observe New Year’s Eve in some way, and quite often, it involves the odd drink or two!

How did you celebrate the end of 2016?
How did you celebrate the end of 2016?

If you did choose to indulge, then start laying the groundwork now to avoid spending the first days of 2017 groaning and swearing “never again!”

While the holidays are traditionally a time when we’re encouraged to throw caution (and the bathroom scales) to the wind, it is possible to revel with a little restraint and shore up your system at the same time!

  1. Drink Lots of Tyent Water!

Why?  …

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The Three Best Hangover Cures Ever!

Posted by: On December 29, 2016 12:00 pm

So maybe you had a few too many holiday beers or that extra glass of Champagne?  Whatever you indulged in, it’s time to face the consequences.  If crawling back underneath the duvet isn’t an option, then we’re here to the rescue with the three fastest and most effective ways to zap your hangover!

Really?  It was something you ate?
Really?  It was something you ate?
  1. What to Eat, What Not to Eat

There’s a myth that rich foods somehow ‘soak up’ the toxins that are making you feel so awful, but it’s just that; a myth.  Avoid fatty, heavy foods and the likes of waffles or hash browns. They’ll just place more pressure on your already stressed-out liver.

It’s also wise to skip the neutral …

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